Jibber Jabber
Jibber jabber, jibber jabber,
This mind-talk, day and night.
Gabble gabble, twaddle twaddle,
The endless inner fight.
One voice says “yes!”,
another cries “no!”
It sure don’t mean nuthin’
It’s all one big show.
Blather blather, bother bother,
It’s one great do-si-do.
Burble burble, drivel drivel,
How to escape this loop?
Prattle prattle, babble babble,
Please tell me, what’s the scoop?
To break this endless nonsense,
That renders me so surly,
What must I do to save myself
From this dizzy hurly-burly?
Mumbo jumbo, mumbo jumbo,
My soul is getting blurry.
That’s all you need to do.
You cannot crush your bugging brain
Beneath your grinding shoe.
The river’s long, its force is strong
Your problem’s nothing new.
The sages knew the answer
Before we built this zoo,
Just know one thing, these voices sing
A song that is not you.
Our big mistake, it seems to me
is claiming ownership
Of every thought that passes by
like a passing sailing ship.
We need some distance, lots, in fact
from yattering and natter,
To see that it’s not you or me
And it really doesn’t matter
Enmeshing thoughts will make you nuts
Like Alice’s Mad Hatter.
Let go of need to rhyme.
See what arises.
Let it flow.
Let it go.
You are not that.
You are.
You simply are.
You are.
You simply are.
You are.