You Are the Ocean: Unveiling the Mystery of Your Eternal Essence
One of my favorite metaphors to describe the human experience is that of the ocean and the wave.
A wave is a distinct, unique manifestation of this broader thing called ocean. I feel very confident in saying, without the physics to back it up, that each wave is unique, that there are no two waves that have ever been identical.
And a wave looks like it has a lifespan. A wave arises, then goes along, and then it kind of changes over time as it gets close to shore it might get all foamy and bubbly and then it hits the shore and then it just disappears into the ocean. So from the perspective of the wave, there's a thing that looks like birth looks like a life and looks like death, but the truth of the wave is that it is water.
It is seawater.
It is ocean.
That's the truth of the wave.
So your life may look like it has a birth, a period of time of life, and then a death, but at your essence, you are something much deeper. There's much debate around what that is, and I'm not going to resolve that debate for you. I am going to invite you into the debate and invite you to ask yourself, what is that essential about me that was here before I was apparently born underlies all of this living I've been doing and will be here after my death? I have my own notions about it, but they're not necessarily right.
It's a great mystery, but it's worth talking about.
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