Awaken Your Life Force: How to Live Fully Alive

Are you alive?

I ask this because I was just listening to an interview of the great broadcaster Al Michaels in an interview about the recently departed baseball player Pete Rose. And he described Rose as alive, as always alive.

In your absence, either after your death or just when you're not around, are people going to use that adjective with you? Would they say, yeah, she's alive, or he's alive? And if not, why not?

I'm going to tell you it's not because you were born that way. It's because you've taken on a lot of burdens along the way, a lot of stories, a lot of self-talk along the way that has suppressed your life force, your erotic energy, and I don't mean sexual energy, I mean that life force that animates alive people.

So if you're not one who could be described as alive, you can do something about it. There are ways to restore your life force, freeing up the energy that's stuck in your body so that you can live fully alive, fully awake, and fully aware.

All is not lost. You can still be alive.

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