Authenticity: Embracing Interconnectedness Over Ego
Authenticity sounds like a wonderful thing to strive for, and it is.
But it is a two-edged sword.
Finding or clarifying my authentic, unique self is absolutely a laudable goal and one of the central goals, it seems to me, for the human path. However, if our authenticity is rooted in a delusion that I am a separate self, that I am somehow a distinct and unconnected entity, unconnected to all of the rest of creation, then authenticity is likely to lead me to be an egocentric or narcissistic knucklehead, engaged in win-lose dynamics so that I am trying to elevate this ego that is required to navigate as a separate self.
On the other hand, authenticity rooted in the deep understanding that I am completely interconnected with all of creation and there is no separation, in the same way that there is no real separation between the hand and the foot, that we are part of the same enchilada, the whole enchilada, that kind of authenticity rooted in that realization of truth.
Now that's worth something. In fact, that's worth everything.
So be careful on your path toward authenticity that it's rooted in this realization of complete interconnectedness and not in the delusion of separation.
Click here for the video.